After any type of surgery, your care team will take steps to reduce the risk of complications. In order for this to happen, you’ll be asked to adhere to certain guidelines for a set period of time after the procedure. The timing and length of these post-operative steps depends on the type of surgery you had, as well as individual factors such as your health and history. Whether you had labiaplasty or another type of operation on your labia, there are certain precautions that need to be taken after the procedure is completed. Toronto gynecologist Dr David Gerberat from Meridia Medical Group notes that labiaplasty can cause pain and discomfort in some patients, which is why it’s important to understand how long these effects will last. Read on for tips on how long these post-operative procedures should last so that you know when it’s time to see a doctor again:

Incision care

Following a labiaplasty, you’ll likely have a flatline incision on your vaginal area. This incision line is usually about 3cm long, and you’ll likely be able to wear normal underwear with no problem. However, as Dr David Gerber notes, there are a few things to keep in mind when caring for your incision following a labiaplasty.

– Keep it clean – At all times, you should keep your incision clean and dry. If there is any discharge, you should clean it as soon as you notice it. You should also avoid using any products that are meant to be applied to open wounds, as they can further irritate the incision. After showering, you should regularly dry your incision with a clean towel until you’re completely dry.

– Don’touch it – After the surgery is over, you shouldn’t touch your incision with your fingers, regardless of how clean they are.

 – Keep it covered – Once you’re completely dry, you should cover your incision with a thin layer of gauze. You should also cover your incision with a protective pad at night to avoid injuring it. When changing the pad, you should change it from the bottom up.

Minimize activity post-operatively

Because labiaplasty involves removing tissue, you might feel fatigued after the procedure. If you experience fatigue, you should minimize all physical activity while you’re healing. You should also avoid strenuous activity that puts a strain on your incision, such as lifting heavy objects. If you participate in sports or exercise regularly, you should speak to your care team about the possibility of modifying your routine. You should also avoid strenuous activity that puts a strain on your incision, such as lifting heavy objects.

Take prescribed analgesia

Following labiaplasty, you might experience some pain. This is normal, and it occurs as your body reacts to the surgery. If you experience significant pain, you should take prescribed analgesia. If you have difficulty swallowing, you can also take an oral painkiller. Labiaplasty surgeon Dr David Gerber notes that it’s important to remember that any medication you take should be taken exactly as prescribed. You should also avoid consuming foods or beverages that might be mildly acidic, as they can cause your body to break down medications more quickly. You should also avoid using cough drops and other cough suppressant products, as they can impair your ability to swallow. Your care team might also recommend that you use a heat source or ice pack on your incision to help relieve pain.

Allow adequate recovery time

Experts agree that the best way to improve healing after a major procedure like labiaplasty is to take it easy on your body as it heals. This should be done while you’re still at the hospital and for a minimum of 24 hours after leaving the hospital. As part of your post-operative care, you should avoid strenuous activity and take it easy for at least 24 hours after surgery. This can be done by remaining at the hospital for 24 hours and then resting for a minimum of 24 hours after leaving the hospital. You should also avoid lifting objects that are heavier than 5 pounds, as well as attempting to perform activities that require strenuous exertion, such as running or doing high-impact exercises.

Allow adequate healing time before judging aesthetic results

Since labiaplasty is designed to achieve a long-lasting change in your appearance, it’s important to allow adequate healing time before you judge the aesthetic results of the surgery. According to Dr David Gerber, this can be done by avoiding strenuous exercise, lifting objects that are heavier than 5 pounds, and engaging in strenuous sexual activity that causes friction. During this healing period, you should also avoid using harsh soaps or liquids to clean your genital area, as they can leave a residue that can further damage the area. Labiaplasta surgery may be right for you if you’re confident that the change in your labia will last. Labiaplasty can have a big impact on your self-image, and it’s important to take the time to ensure you’re happy with the results.

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